Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Don't Want Anyone Stealing My Limeline!

At an employee appreciation event, this next Ignorantic noticed that just before she received her award, her co-worker was in her bosses' ear telling him about all her long hours and new ideas for expansion.

Now, why did she do that? It was now going to be the beginning of a very long Ignorantic rant about jealousy. Yes, that ugly word, jealousy....and what happens when Ignorantics get upset? They drop Ignorantic bombs in Pearl Harbor fashion! Hence, the next comment: "Don't you hate it when someone tries to steal your "limeline"?

Really? Well, maybe if I was ordering a Gin and Tonic I would hate it if they were stealing my "limeline" but not at an employee appreciation event! Don't bother trying to rationalize this one because there is NO synergy here...NONE.

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