Sunday, June 26, 2011

LADIES...Why Settle For a Bachelor's Degree When You Can Get a Bachelorette's Degree!

For all you overachiever Ignorantics of the female persuasion, there is another alternative to receiving a good old fashion bachelor of science and/or arts degree from sources tell me that ignorantics are now pursuing BACHELORETTE'S DEGREES!!

Last week, one of my colleagues emailed me and informed me that a student called her to ask about our “bachelorettes” degrees in Child Studies. If I were going to be logical, I guess I would assume that this student thought the bachelor degrees were reserved for men and the NEW bachelorette's degree would be for the women. Maybe the degree comes with liquor, stupid games, and strippers too!

I'm not sure logic can help this Ignorantic...this is truly a "shaking my head" moment.

1 comment:

  1. Bachelorette's Degree?? Oh that's hilarious. I really hope it's someone in middle school or someon who wouldn't know better versus somebody actually IN college!
