Monday, April 18, 2011

"I Feel as Doe..."

Ladies and Gents, this is a doe....well, at least to those familiar with the animal kingdom, it is a doe, but to Ignorantics, the word "doe" is used quite frequently and they are not talking about a deer or money. They are using "doe" in place of "though".

The word "though" should be used to say "in spite of the fact" or "although", but that little technicality has completely escaped the Ignorantic. I am sure that those who are reading this have heard the "doe bomb" dropped or they say it themselves. It is what I would refer to as a classic Ignorantic. If you know a frequent "doe" offender, cut out a picture of Bambi, paste it onto an index card and when they drop the "doe bomb" whip out your flash card with Bambi. If they smile, then you have a level one Ignorantic (a casual offender/lazy speech offense); however, if they appear dazed and confused like a doe in the headlights, then...well, I think you can figure this one out. #lostcause

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