Monday, July 4, 2011

The Casey Anthony Trial & Judge Belvin Perry

Several of my Ignorantics readers have either texted or emailed me about the antics of Judge Belvin Perry in the Casey Anthony trial. I have learned that he uses the ignorantic "pacifically as opposed to specifically", "AnFERny as opposed to Anthony" "eefer as opposed to either" and on the video in this post, he uses words like "wiff as opposed to with", etc. etc.

Now, I am sure many of you are wondering how someone sitting on the bench could be capable of such a flurry of ignorantics. Well, the answer is quite simple...He might have been practicing law, but he sure wasn't practicing English.

The following video is full of ignorantics, both spoken and acted out...Between the judge and the woman being questioned, there are enough ignorantics to fill a jail cell. Words cannot describe this video. You will just have to watch...


  1. Aw, Judith, this is just a good 'ol Southern judge administerin' justice! You're being too hard on him! That said, 4:02 'cal-ca-lated' - repeats at 4:11.... And 'bidness' at 5:02. Oh, I didn't know that courtrooms were as Ignorantic as the ones I practice in each day!

  2. Wow, this Judge is special. This woman is out of her mind. I don't think if I was in the court room I could have held my laughter. She is so melodramatic.

  3. Anonymous...see you caught some that I missed. That is what makes this clip so "extra"!!!

  4. Attorney2be...I would have been the next person held in contempt for laughing! I just love her answer to "Are you mentally ill?" The answer was more like "all of the above".
