Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is Steve Harvey an Ignorantic?

This SNL spoof needs no introduction or commentary. I have only one question: Is Steve Harvey an Ignorantic?
Watch: SNL Spoof on Steve Harvey


  1. Steve is king of "Ignorantic's Island!"

  2. Steve is king of "Ignorantics Island."

  3. LOL! He's both! He is king of their island and if there was an Ignorantics Island, he would be king of that too! Happy New Year!

  4. But it hasn't prevented and perhaps has aided his continuing success. If he was competing with most of the rest of us it could be a problem, but he's laughing and mangling so called ignorantics to ever growing fame and fortune. Plus he's a published author. Go Steve. Don't necessarily be like him in that way but don't write him off as an accomplished person either. Show Biz! My parents were as socially conservative as their peers but always cut folks in show biz a break. Hint Hint!
