Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wedding Vowels

He made it through his engagement excitement and the courtship. Now, it is time for the big day: his wedding. All the plans and preparations have been very stressful and exciting at the same time. Well, we all know from experience what this can do to an Ignorantic, right?

Our next Ignorantic is preparing for his wedding day and he is nervous. He is particularly nervous because the bride-to-be has thrown a wrench into his program...his very existence...there is a threat that he could be exposed, and he is not happy about it. What am I referring to? The entire wedding party, the minister, guests and more importantly, the bride, will find out that Mr. Groom is an Ignorantic. He's known it all along but this time, the jig is up.

This Ignorantic revealed to his cousin that the big day was going to be uncharted waters. In an email, he stated that "not only did he have to stand before all those guests and profess his undying love, he had to write his own "vowels"". That's right...he was going to write his wedding "vowels". Can you think of anything more romantic than writing your own wedding "vowels"? Do you think he will be able to use all five (5) vowels in his vows? That could be quite a feat, eh?  I "guest" we will have to wait for the wedding to "fine" out. The anticipation...

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