Monday, February 28, 2011

What is Your Ignorantic Score?

What is your Ignorantic Score? Here is the point scale:

[1] You are ignorant and you can't be helped because you don't realize you are ignorant (it is genetic); verbs and pronouns are not your friend, and it is very possible that your first and middle name were "made up" (i.e., LaTraysha, ReDanica, KaRonald, KaWalgreens, DeMoniker, etc.)

[2] You are ignorant with an attitude and you refuse to seek help (i.e., you practice your ignorantics and carry it with swagger) ;

[3] You are ignorant because you think it is fashionable to be ignorant (i.e., loud, wrong, but fashionable with the latest designer wear (fake and/or real);

[4] You are ignorant based on the region that you live in and everyone around you is just as ignorant as you (i.e., you continue to repeat incorrect words using your mideast, northeast or southern dialect);

[5] You are a borderline ignorantic with a slight chance of redemption [in ignorantic therapy, this is commonly referred to as "cloudy with a chance of rain"] (i.e., you are ignorant but continue to lull in your ignorance because you're lazy and you think its funny);

[6] You are beginning to understand that what you "think" and "say" at the same time is never going to come out right (i.e., you are a hyper ignorantic that cannot master your impulsive ignorantics - the words come out of your mouth before you have a chance to catch them);

[7] You are at the beginning of the reformation process; you have acknowledged your ignorance and you are beginning to take steps to correct it (i.e., you have been an ignorantic all of your life, but you just got a new job and you know you can't continue to speak like that around your co-workers);

[8] You are a modern day ignorantic who occasionally drops a few "I" bombs [ignorantic bombs] but you mean well (i.e., you present well but subject/verb agreement eludes you due to the casual nature in which you speak - you tend to be devoted to speaking in the vernacular);

[9] You overthink before you write and speak, often overusing spell-check and grammar check just so you can prove that you are not an ignorantic. This category also frequently attempts to rationalize or analyze ignorantic speech (i.e., you work in a field where writing is important and you would cringe if anyone caught a writing error in your email, your PowerPoint slides, or during a presentation/meeting);

[10] You are an educated Ignorantic who can and will drop a few "I" bombs BUT you know the difference and your use of Ignorantics may only occur 1-10 times per year [educated is defined as a college degree or better] what was your ignorantic score? If your score falls between 1-5, you still need help, and you should buy stock in the spell-checking feature on all word processing software, use Google DAILY, and buy William Strunk, Jr.'s The Elements of Style and use it like a Bible. If your score falls between 6-8, you are indeed an ignorantic, but you are beginning to turn the corner of hope because you made a conscious decision to take this test [I am proud of steps remember?]. If you scored a 9 or a 10, you are not safe, you are probably a reformed ignorantic in denial. Now, Mr. or Ms./Mrs. 9 or 10, you are probably saying to yourself, I scored high on this darn test, why is she calling me a reformed ignorantic? First, it takes one to know one. Second, the answer is quite simple: you took the test! You are not even sure if you are an ignorantic...

Please post your scores in the Comment box below, and tell us why you think you obtained that score. Come on...don't be scurd!


  1. I love the wallpaper! (I haven't been here for a while, so forgive me if it's not so new.) Can I leave my score out of this comment? I love #7. As for #1, can one blame one's parents for the made-up middle name? And what if that made-up middle name is the mash-up of beloved family members? Yes, still Ignorantic, I know....

  2. I've held various jobs to qualify as a 9, but am a solid 10. I must admit, however, when you are surrounded by Ignorantics a la Marilyn Munster, sometimes, it's hard not to fall prey to the madness!
